######### Configure ######### Here is the list of settings used by `django-anysign`. ************** INSTALLED_APPS ************** There is no need to register `django-docusign` application in your Django's ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting. ******* ANYSIGN ******* Since `django-docusign` depends on `django-anysign`_, configure `settings.ANYSIGN`_. Example from the :doc:`/demo`: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/django_docusign_demo/settings.py :language: python :start-after: BEGIN settings.ANYSIGN :end-before: END settings.ANYSIGN ********** DOCUSIGN_* ********** Settings prefixed with `DOCUSIGN_` are used by :class:`~django_docusign.backend.DocuSignBackend` as default values to setup :class:`pydocusign.DocuSignClient`. Use them when you want to use some global configuration for your `Django`-powered project. .. note:: If you need to use custom options depending on your requests (as an example if you use several `DocuSign` credentials depending on user accounts), then you can pass explicit arguments to :class:`~django_docusign.backend.DocuSignBackend`. Example from the :doc:`/demo`: .. literalinclude:: /../demo/django_docusign_demo/settings.py :language: python :start-after: BEGIN settings.DOCUSIGN :end-before: END settings.DOCUSIGN Here are available settings: * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_ROOT_URL``: root URL of DocuSign API. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_USERNAME``: API username. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_PASSWORD``: API password. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_INTEGRATOR_KEY``: API integrator key. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_ACCOUNT_ID``: API account ID. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_APP_TOKEN``: API AppToken. * ``settings.DOCUSIGN_TIMEOUT``: Connection timeout. .. rubric:: Notes & references .. target-notes:: .. _`django-anysign`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-anysign .. _`settings.ANYSIGN`: https://django-anysign.readthedocs.org/en/latest/settings.html